"I didn't know my language would come to me"
Vijay Gupta delivered us Ava's words; a Tanzanian woman entranced by a song sung in Swahili during the Street Symphony series. First-class musicians had unexpectedly transported her home in the middle of Los Angeles.
Hearing Vijay Gupta made me feel that way as well. In Los Angeles I performed as a member of the Doctor's Symphony with this same virtuoso as the soloist, our organizations joined to raise funds and visibility for his revolutionary project. What kismet to see him twice, both times at the start of life chapters! In this recent tour he described Street Symphony as an "in-reach" program providing the homeless and incarcerated with some of the world's finest programming.
After his performance of a Bach chaconne (dedicated to the late Oliver Sacks) Mr. Gupta opened the floor for questioning. I asked something to the effect of "How do you give readily yet maintain personal balance when coming into close contact with intense situations/populations?"
He promoted the term "in-reach" over outreach with the emphasis that he feels enriched by his bonds with the audience and does not see the experience as strictly providing.
I left wondering how I can be a better humanist? In which mode of service will cultivating the highest version of myself be enough to benefit society?
"I am a very simple man. I am a man first, an artist second. My first obligation is to the welfare of my fellow man. I will endeavor to meet this obligation through music, since it transcends language, politics and national boundaries."
-Pablo Casals
He reiterated ideas of "What I need and what you need..." and "Their story is your story..." which cements the reciprocity and authenticity of street symphony.
Mr. Gupta added that "Music's purpose is making connection."
Works Cited
Gupta, V. (2015). The Arts and Social Healing. [Presentation]. Lecture presented for the community of the University of Texas at Austin. Austin, Texas.
Street Symphony. (2015, November). Street Symphony. Retrieved from Street Symphony website: http://streetsymphony.org/
Doctors Symphony. (2015, November). Los Angeles Doctors Symphony Orchestra. Retrieved from website: http://ladso.org/
Oliver Sacks. (2015, November). Oliver Sacks. Retrieved from Oliver Sacks website: http://www.oliversacks.com/
Casals, P. (2015, November). "I am a very simple man." Retrieved from Great Thoughts Treasury: